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There are currently 75809 individuals representing 28779 families in the database. Some of the individuals listed are historical, Biblical, legendary or a combination of all of these! There is also a large representation of British and European royalty, both historical and living. (These non-1820 Settlers are included because they are part of my personal lineage.) As of March 2011, the viewing of all family tree information on this site has been restricted to those who have registered for (and been granted) a user account! Unfortunately this became necessary due to the actions of certain people and organisations who were found to be harvesting information to which they were not entitled. Please bear in mind that this is a private web site - it is my personal repository of family tree information that I have collected from many sources. I have spent a considerable amount of time building the site, researching information for myself and reformatting information provided by others who themselves spent countless hours on their own research. I earn no money from this site - it is my hobby! People who abuse the site, who scrounge information from it without permission and without giving credit to whoever did the research, and who publish details of living people in public forums will be barred. Please note that, as this is a work in progress and a lot of the information is from various contributors, many details are unproven and unsourced. I intend to add as much detail as I can, including birth and marriage certificates and other documents, as and when they become available. If you have info to add, please feel free to register for a user account and join our group researching one or more of the 1820 Settlers to the Albany District of the Eastern Cape of South Africa! Mike Wright |
Some 1820 Settlers
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Maintained by Mike Wright.